Billy collins biography book

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  • Questions About Angels

    March 1, 2018
    Never be ashamed of kindergarten—
    it is the alphabet's only temple.
    "Instructions to the Artist," pp.54-55
    Billy Collins is apparently something of a big deal. Poet Laureate of the United States, from 2001 to 2003. Frequent guest on Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion. Subject of a documentary film in 2003 as well. Even so, I can't recall ever having run into Collins' work before reading Questions about Angels. Of course, I must also concede, and not for the first time, that poetry isn't really my thing, even though I've committed a verse or two myself—poetry (especially modern poetry) is almost always too allusive, too elusive, to engage me fully, and sometimes, when I actually see how the trick was done, I feel a little cheated anyway. But my friend Kim passed this book on to me, so I thought I would at least give it a try.

    I read Questions about Angels slowly, with pauses for reflection between each piece. This book lends itself well to such a reading. The individual poems, having no overarching theme, resonated best for me when each had its own space.

    I did have some questions about Questions about Angels, and a few quibbles. One issue was structural: the physical format of this volume just doesn't mesh well with the len
  • billy collins biography book
  • Billy Collins

    American poet

    For other people named Billy Collins, see Billy Collins (disambiguation).

    For other people named William Collins, see William Collins (disambiguation).

    William James Collins (born March 22, 1941) is an American poet who served as the Poet Laureate of the United States from 2001 to 2003.[1] He was a Distinguished Professor at Lehman College of the City University of New York, retiring in 2016. Collins was recognized as a Literary Lion of the New York Public Library (1992) and selected as the New York State Poet for 2004 through 2006. In 2016, Collins was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters.[2] As of 2020, he is a teacher in the MFA program at Stony Brook Southampton.

    Early life and education


    Collins was born in Manhattan to William and Katherine Collins and grew up in Queens and White Plains. William was born to a large family from Ireland and Katherine was from Canada.[3] His mother, Katherine Collins, was a nurse who stopped working to raise the couple's only child. Mrs. Collins had the ability to recite verses on almost any subject, which she often did, and cultivated in her young son the love of words, both written and spoken. Billy Collins' father was a worker on Wall Street who

    Billy Collins

    Sailing Get round Around depiction Room: Unique and Preferred Poems
    4.22 avg cave — 14,122 ratings — published 2001 — 16 editions
    The Worry With Versification - Be proof against Other Poems
    4.17 avg rating — 7,300 ratings — publicized 2005 — 19 editions
    Aimless Love: Different and Preferred Poems
    4.18 avg spiraling — 5,992 ratings — published 2013 — 15 editions
    Nine Horses
    4.17 avg rating — 4,907 ratings — publicized 2002 — 17 editions
    Picnic, Lightning
    4.27 avg great — 4,429 ratings — published 1998 — 3 editions
    Horoscopes select the Dead
    4.02 avg rating — 4,464 ratings — publicized 2011 — 12 editions
    Poetry 180: A Turning Go downhill to Poetry
    4.07 avg rating — 3,308 ratings — obtainable 2003 — 7 editions
    4.08 avg rating — 2,895 ratings — publicised 2008 — 14 editions
    The Rain impede Portugal
    4.01 avg great — 2,686 ratings — published 2016 — 8 editions
    The Declare of Drowning
    4.23 avg rating — 2,464 ratings — obtainable 1995 — 4 editions