Charles best poet biography donors choose

  • After a childhood reared in NYC's Greenwich Village, Charles began his career as a history teacher in the Bronx public school system where.
  • Charles Best leads, a nonprofit site on which teachers can post their specific classroom needs and receive crowdfunding.
  • Twenty years ago, our founder Charles Best started our platform out of his Bronx history classroom.
  • Straight Up Conversation: CEO Charles Best

    Charles Best leads, a nonprofit website on which teachers can post their specific classroom needs and receive crowdfunding. Starting in 1998, Charles spent five years teaching history in a high school in the Bronx. Noticing that limited classroom resources were available to his students was what moved him to launch To date, teachers at more than 80 percent of all the public schools in America have used, and more than 3 million people have contributed. I recently talked with Charles about and the role of philanthropy in education.

    Rick Hess: So Charles, what exactly is

    Charles Best: is a simple, vivid, and personal way for anyone to help a classroom in need. Teachers from all over the country create classroom project requests—for a field trip, a classroom library, a pair of microscopes—and then donors choose the projects they want to support. To date, those 3 million donors have contributed $760 million to fund 1.2 million classroom projects created by 470,000 teachers at public and public charter schools, overwhelmingly in low-income communities.

    RH: What prompted you to start it?

    CB: During my first

    Everyone has a "dream job" lying dormant in their hearts. Unfortunately, it's usually plagued by one negative thought: that it can't become a reality. But many people have turned their dreams into daily realities. How did they get there? What inspires them? Surely they took all the right steps at the exact right time, without suffering any detours. I spoke to a few very successful people working their own "dream jobs" hoping to glean some insight.

    Childhood memories exist between our conscious and subconscious minds as a reel of colorful highlights and feelings. Naturally, a large number of them are made up of school activities; fitting since children spend so much time in school. I'm sure we all remember the time our volleyball team won in gym class practice; or we created what our teacher proclaimed to be a "masterpiece" in art class; or took that amazing field trip to the natural science museum. I would hate to think of what childhood memories would look like without those highlights. Wouldn't you?

    A wise man once said that, "Necessity is the mother of invention" and the phrase's truth is indisputable. Just ask Charles Best, the CEO of the nonprofit he founded out of, well... necessity.

    After a childhood reared in NYC's Greenwich Village,

  • charles best poet biography donors choose
  • Charles Best

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