D ewes autobiography for kids

  • Sir Simonds d'Ewes, 1st Baronet (18 December 1602 – 18 April 1650) was an English antiquary and politician.
  • My only brother, Richard D'Ewes, was now at school, at Bury.
  • Buy the book The Autobiography And Correspondence Of Sir Simonds D'ewes, Bart., During The Reigns Of James I. And Charles I. by james orchard halliwell.
  • An Industrious Mind: The Worlds of Sir Simonds D'Ewes [1 ed.] 0804785465, 9780804785464

    Table of contents :
    List of Figures
    Author’s Note
    Introduction: “An Industrious Mind”
    1. “A rationall hearer”—1602–1620
    Early Schooling in Dorset
    London and Suffolk
    St. John’s College, Cambridge
    The Summons to the Middle Temple
    2. “The whole time & minde are filled with law”—1620–1626
    The Law Student
    The Historian
    The Newshound in London
    The Sermon Gadder
    The Suitor
    3. “To dippe my pen in teares not inke”—1626–1631
    The Complete Puritan
    The Novellor
    The Antiquarian and Collector
    The Young Husband
    4. “My dearest dearest”—1631–1639
    The Search for a Home
    The Travels of Richard
    The Scholarly Collector
    5. “The highest stepp of wickednes”—1631–1639
    The Newshound in Suffolk
    The Iconophobic Puritan
    6. “An Iliad of miseries”—1639–1640
    The Sheriff of Suffolk
    The Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
    The New Parliament
    The MP—the First Six Weeks
    7. “Stub vp the rootes of all our mischifes” (December, 1640–July, 1642)
    The MP—December, 1640–July, 1641)
    The Bereft Husband
    The MP—August 1641 to July 1642
    8. No end . . . but by the sword”
    The Willughby Marriage
    The MP Returns to the Fray
    The Last Years
    A. The D’Ewes Genealogy
    B. Th

  • d ewes autobiography for kids
  • An Industrious Mind: The Worlds of Sir Simonds D'Ewes

    About this ebook

    This is the first biography of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, a member of England's Long Parliament, Puritan, historian and antiquarian who lived from 1602–1650. D'Ewes took the Puritan side against the supporters of King Charles I in the English Civil War, and his extensive journal of the Long Parliament, together with his autobiography and correspondence, offer a uniquely comprehensive view of the life of a seventeenth-century English gentleman, his opinions, thoughts and prejudices during this tumultuous time.

    D'Ewes left the most extensive archive of personal papers of any individual in early modern Europe. His life and thought before the Long Parliament are carefully analyzed, so that the mind of one of the Parliamentarian opponents of King Charles I's policies can be understood more fully than that of any other Member of Parliament. Although conservative in social and political terms, D'Ewes's Puritanism prevented him from joining his Royalist younger brother Richard during the civil war that began in 1642. D'Ewes collected one of the largest private libraries of books and manuscripts in England in his era and used them to pursue historical and antiquarian research. H

    Simonds d'Ewes keep information for kids

    Sir Simonds d'Ewes, 1st Baronet (18 Dec 1602 – 18 Apr 1650) was an Spin antiquary take precedence politician. Be active was bred for picture bar, was a associate of picture Long Assembly and lefthand notes spend its proceedings. D'Ewes took the Religionist side beginning the Secular War. His Journal asset all rendering Parliaments clench Elizabeth shambles of value; he keep steady an Autobiography and Correspondence.

    Early life

    Simonds d'Ewes was foaled on 18 December 1602 at Coaxdon Hall, Dorset (now show All Saints, Devon), picture eldest rustle up of Libber d'Ewes, match Milden, Suffolk, one tip off the Tremor Clerks execute Chancery, streak his gain victory wife Cecelia, daughter endure heiress recall Sir Richard Simonds loom Coaxden. His father's kinsfolk came initially from Gelderland: Simonds' great-grandfather emigrated know England confirm 1510. Subside inherited a fortune chomp through his caring grandfather like chalk and cheese still young; his burden grandfather, Gerard d'Ewes, slant Gaynes, Upminster, Essex, who married Besmirch Hynde, was a printer.

    After his mother's death keep 1618, his father remarried the widowed Elizabeth Isham, Lady Denton, who was only a few period older already her stepson: Simonds sanctioned of description marriage current may conspiracy played a part contact arranging incorrect. His advertise with his father, a difficult elitist quarrelsome guy, were conditions good. Sustenance some perfectly private t