Driss chraibi wiki

  • Driss Chraïbi was a Moroccan author whose novels deal with colonialism, culture clashes, generational conflict and the treatment of women and are often.
  • Driss Chraїbi (ur.
  • Moroccan author (1926–2007).
  • On This Page


    The Simple Past came out in 1954, and both in France and its author's native Morocco the book caused an explosion of fury. The protagonist, who shares the author's name, Driss, comes from a Moroccan family of means, his father a self-made tea merchant, the most devout of Muslims, quick to be provoked and ready to lash out verbally or physically, continually bent on subduing his timid wife and many children to his iron and ever-righteous will. He is known, simply, as the Lord, and Driss, who show more is in high school, is in full revolt against both him and the French colonial authorities, for whom, as much as for his father, he is no one. Driss Chraïbi's classic coming-of-age story is about colonialism, Islam, the subjection of women, and finding, as his novel does, a voice that is as cutting and coruscating as it is original and free.show less



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    Author Information

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    Belongs to Publisher Series

    Common Knowledge

    Canonical title
    The Simple Past
    Original title
    Le Passé simple
    Original publication date
    Original language


    Fiction and Literature, General Fiction
    843 — Literature Fr

    Driss Chraïbi

    Moroccan author (1926–2007)

    Driss Chraïbi (Arabic: إدريس الشرايبي; July 15, 1926 – April 1, 2007) was a Moroccan author whose novels deal with colonialism, culture clashes, generational conflict and the treatment of women and are often perceived as semi-autobiographical.[1]

    Born in El Jadida and educated in Casablanca, Chraïbi went to Paris in 1945 to study chemistry before turning to literature and journalism. His works have been translated into English, Arabic, Italian, German and Russian. He viewed himself as an anarchist, writing on issues such as immigration, patriarchy and the relation between the west and the Arab world



    Driss Chraïbi was born to a merchant family in French Morocco but was later raised in Casablanca. He attended the Koranic school before joining the M'hammed Guessous School in Rabat, followed by the Lycée Lyautey in Casablanca. In 1945 he went to university in Paris, where, in 1950, he earned a degree in chemical engineering.[2][3] After obtaining his degree, he abandoned science before the doctorate. Instead, he earned his living from a string of odd jobs, before turning to literature and journalism.[3] He produced programmes for France Culture, frequented poets, taught Maghreb

  • driss chraibi wiki
  • Driss Chraїbi

    Driss Chraїbi (ur. 15 lipca1926 w Al-Dżadida, zm. 1 kwietnia2007 w Drôme) – marokański pisarz, tworzący w języku francuskim.


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    Po ukończeniu edukacji w Casablance, w 1946 r. wyjechał repeal Paryża, gdzie studiował chemię i psychiatrię. Zadebiutował w 1954 r. powieścią Czas przeszły dokonany.

    W swych dziełach, zwykle opartych a big name motywach autobiograficznych, często poruszał tematyką kolonialną. Chraїbi często sięgał po konwencje literatury popularnej, m.in. w cyklu powieści kryminalnych, w których głównym bohaterem jest inspektor Ali, funkcjonariusz policji z Casablanki.

    W przekładzie a big shot język polski ukazała się powieść Przebudź się, matko!, Warszawa 2007. Drukowano poza tym drobne fragmenty dzieł Chraїbiego, m.in. na łamach Literatury solitary Świecie (11-12/2003) opublikowano fragmenty jego debiutanckiej powieści Czas przeszły dokonany.


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    • Le passé simple (1954, pol. przekład fragmentów pt. Czas przeszły dokonany, 2003)
    • Les Boucs (1955)
    • De notch les horizons (1958)
    • La foule (1961)
    • Succession ouverte (1962)
    • L'âne (1965)
    • Un ami viendra vous voir (1967)
    • La civilation, ma mère! (1972, pol. przekład surplus. Przebudź się, matko!, 2007)
    • Mort au Canada (1977)
    • Une enquête au pa