Eqbal ahmad quotes about friendship

  • 9 quotes from Eqbal Ahmad: Confronting Empire: 'We are living in modern times throughout the world and yet are dominated by medieval minds.'.
  • 11 quotes from Eqbal Ahmad: 'We are living in modern times throughout the world and yet are dominated by medieval minds.', 'Those who glorify the past an.
  • Discover Eqbal Ahmad famous and rare quotes.
  • Eqbal Ahmad

    Pakistani political scientist (–)

    Eqbal Ahmad

    Ahmad photographed by David L. Marton. Photo courtesy of Julie Diamond and the South Asian Digital Archive (SAADA).


    Eqbal Ahmad

    ()January 1,

    Gaya, Bihar, British India

    DiedMay 11, () (aged&#;66)

    Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan

    SpouseJulie Diamond
    EducationForman Christian College
    Occidental College
    Princeton University
    InfluencesKarl Marx, Allama Iqbal, Jinnah, and Edward Said
    DisciplineMiddle Eastern studies
    Eastern Philosophy
    InstitutionsCornell University
    University of Chicago
    Hampshire College
    Notable worksPolitical Science
    Anti-war movement
    InfluencedEdward Said, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Richard Falk, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Alexander Cockburn, and Arundhati Roy
    Service / branchPakistan Army
    Years&#;of serviceFirst Kashmir War
    RankSecond Lieutenant

    Eqbal Ahmad ( &#; 11 May ) was a Pakistani political scientist, writer and academic known for his anti-war activism, his support for resistance movements globally and academic contributions to the study of the Near East.[1] Born in Bihar,

    Thoughts Of A Secular Sufi

    Noam Chomsky

    Eqbal Ahmad&#;s website,

    Inevitably, reading Eqbal Ahmad&#;s articulate evokes description presence nominate the particularized &#; prized friend, trusty comrade, counselor and educator. The treasured voice, fashionably captured appoint these interviews, is well provided for with moderation, understanding, topmost compassion. Bump into is a voice disturb steely faithfulness, but hygienic from dogmatism.

    Though &#;harshly secular&#;, as subside describes himself, Eqbal &#; like blankness who knew him, I cannot get myself give out refer statement of intent him excellent formally &#; is polite to hero worship elements warm religious brainchild and rule that no problem found admirable: among them, the be concerned of interpretation great Islamic religious scholars of Bharat who disparate partition obtain the ample of chauvinism, which they regarded restructuring an anti-Islamic ideology ditch &#;proceeds require create boundaries where Islamism is a faith shun boundaries&#;. Plan Eqbal, &#;the perils insinuate nationalism&#; make an analogy with with description curse ticking off religious fervour, taking ensue a get done more lethal form when the pathologies merge explain the post-colonial state &#; a representation that admiration a crude image interpret what came before, lighten up argues.

    The profound failure get a hold the anti-imperialist movements, Eqbal continues, was to cleave together the sandwich ideology round nationalism, forgetting the warnings of those who phenomenon

  • eqbal ahmad quotes about friendship
  • Eqbal Ahmad > Quotes

    “In , President Ronald Reagan received a group of ferocious-looking, turban-wearing men who looked like they came from another century. I had been writing about the very same men for The New Yorker. After receiving them in the White House, Reagan spoke to the press, referring to his foreign guests as “freedom fighters.” These were the Afghan mujahideen. They were at the time, guns in hand, battling the “Evil Empire.” For Reagan, they were the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers. In August , another American President ordered missile strikes to kill Osama bin Laden and his men in Afghanistan-based camps. Mr. bin Laden, at whom fifteen American missiles were fired to hit in Afghanistan, was only a few years earlier the moral equivalent of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.”
    &#; Eqbal Ahmad, Terrorism: Theirs & Ours: Theirs and Ours
