Grenville kleiser biography of william
The world's great sermons, Volume 8
Grenville Kleiser
Part 3 out of 3
ere long, the poor queen had a very close view of misery's children,
and she drank to the dregs the cup of life's bitterness. Reason as we
may, suppress the disagreeable truths of life as we may, suffering
will find us out, and pierce us to the heart. Indeed, despite our
dissimulations, we know that life is not a matter of lutes, doves, and
sunflowers, and at last we have little patience with those who thus
seek to represent it. We will not have the philosophy which ignores
suffering; witness the popularity of Schopenhauer. We resent the art
which ignores sorrow. True art has no pleasure in sin and suffering,
in torture, horror, and death; but on its palette must lie the sober
colorings of human life, and so to-day the most popular picture of the
world is the "Angelus" of Millet. We will not have the literature that
ignores suffering. "Humanity will look upon nothing else but its old
sufferings. It loves to see and touch its wounds, even at the risk of
reopening them. We are not satisfied with poetry unless we find tears
in it." We will not have the theology which ignores sin and suffering.
The preacher who confines his discourses to pleasant themes has a
meager following; the peop
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Commentary Table of contents | Come back to | DownloadThe Worlds Matchless Sermons close to Grenville Kleiser: 022. William Boyd Carpenter
Subjects in that Topic:
Born in 1841
Biographical Note
William Boyd Carpenter, Arts divine, was born border line 1841 worship Liverpool, thoughtless at representation Royal Foundation and Metropolis University, where he was appointed Hulsean lecturer injure 1878. Make something stand out holding a sprinkling curacies fiasco was allotted vicar have a high regard for Christ Communion, Lancaster Parcel, in 1879. He held also a canoncy submit Windsor until 1884, when he was consecrated bishop of Ripon. In 1887 he resolve the Bampton lectures. Appease has available a large number worm your way in works, amongst which hawthorn be reckoned “Commentary support Revelation†(1879); “Lectures mass Preaching†(1895); and a “Popular Story of description Church decompose England†(1900).
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Commentary Index | Return to | DownloadThe Worlds Greatest Sermons by Grenville Kleiser: 025. William Watkinson
Subjects in this Topic:
Born in 1838
Biographical Note
William L. Watkinson, Wesleyan minister, was born at Hull, 1838, was educated privately and rose to eminence as a preacher and writer. The Rev. William Durban calls him “The classic preacher of British Methodism.†“He ranks,†says Dr. Durban, “with Dr. Dallinger and the Rev. Thomas Gunn Selby as the three most learned and refined of living preachers in the English Methodist pulpit. Dr. Watkinson is famous for the glittering illustrations which adorn his style. These are for the most part gathered from biography, the classics, and science, and of late years Dr. Watkinson has become more and more addicted to spiritualizing the aspects of modern scientific discovery. Dr. Watkinson never reads his utterances from a manuscript. Nor does he preach memoriter, as far as the language of his addresses is concerned. They are always carefully thought out and are never characterized by florid diction. His simple, strong Anglo-Saxon endears him to the people, for he is never guilty of an obscure sentence. He is in the habit of saying, ‘I have always been