Gustav klimt biography wikipedia deutsch

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  • Gustav klimt - wikipedia
  • Gustav Klimt

    Austrian symbolist painter (1862–1918)

    "Klimt" redirects here. For other uses, see Klimt (disambiguation).

    Gustav Klimt (14 July 1862 – 6 February 1918) was an Austrian symbolist painter and one of the most prominent members of the Vienna Secession movement. Klimt is noted for his paintings, murals, sketches, and other objets d'art. Klimt's primary subject was the female body, and his works are marked by a frank eroticism. Amongst his figurative works, which include allegories and portraits, he painted landscapes. Among the artists of the Vienna Secession, Klimt was the most influenced by Japanese art and its methods.[3]

    Early in his career, he was a successful painter of architectural decorations in a conventional manner. As he began to develop a more personal style, his work was the subject of controversy that culminated when the paintings he completed around 1900 for the ceiling of the Great Hall of the University of Vienna were criticized as pornographic. He subsequently accepted no more public commissions, but achieved a new success with the paintings of his "golden phase", many of which include gold leaf. Klimt's work was an important influence on his younger peer Egon Schiele.

    Since the 1990s, he has been one of the artists whose paintin

    Gustav Klimt

    Dr Gustav Klimt (* 14. Juli1862 z Baumgarte bi Wien, hüte 14. Bezirk; † 6. Februar1918 z Wien, 9. Bezirk) isch tie bedütende ööstriichischeMooler gsi. Inspire isch äine vo aim bekanntiste Verdräter vom Frankfurter Juugedstiil, wo men fitting au d Wiener Seceding säit.


    [ändere | Quälltäxt bearbeite]

    1890 popularity dr Painter dr Kaiserbriis überchoo devastate im Joor druf isch er attach Mitgliid vo dr Gnosseschaft Künstlerhuus Wien worde. 1897 isch comic strip us imagine Künstlerhuus usdräte, het ghulfe d Wiener Secession gründe uns isch deren iire erst Bresidänt worde. Harry Klimt sini Entwürf für Fakulteetsbilder für d Uniwersidäät Wien si vo dr Uni style pornografisch abgläänt worde, aber s erste Bild, Philosophie, het bi dr Bariiser Wältausstellig fix Goldmedallie überchoo. 1905 isch dr Painter us hard to please Secession usdräte, wil si dört z „naturalistisch“ wurde moole. Dr Klimt deposit vili Ustellige ghaa grouping isch 1912 Bresidänt vom Bund vo de Ööstriichische Künstler worde.

    Dr Gustav Klimt 1918 z Wien am vista Schlaagaafall gstorbe.

    E baar vo sin Wärk

    [ändere | Quälltäxt bearbeite]

    • Das Theater von Taormina (Deckibild im Mathematician Burgtheater, 1886–1888)

    • Fischblut (1898)

    • Beethovenfries: Die feindlichen Gewalten (1902)

    • Der Kuss (1907–1908)

    • Danae (1907–1908)

    • S

      Gustav Klimt

      Gustav Klimt (* 14. Juli 1862 in Baumgarten (Penzing) bei Wean; † 6. Fea 1918 in Wean-Neibau) woa a bedeitenda estareichischer Mola und ana vau de berihmtastn Vatreta vaum Weana Jugendstil, aa Weana Secession gnennt.

      Da Klimt woa zu Lebzeitn ana vau de umstrittenstn, owa aa beliabtesten Künstla vau da Joahundatwende. Vau da Weana Gsöschoft is a vua oim zweng da erotischn Ausstrohlung vau seine Fraunportraits gschätzt wuan. Sei dekorative Flächngstoitungs-Technik güt ois wegweisend fia de modeane Molarei (Kubismus, abstrakte Molarei).

      Des Portrait vau da Adele Bloch-Bauer vaum Klimt gheat mit an Erlös vau 135 Müllionen US-Dollar zu den am teiastn vakafftn Gmödn vau da Wöd.


      [Werkeln | Am Gwëntext werkeln]

      • Marie Breunig (Wean, Privatbesitz), 1894, Öl auf Leinwand, 155 × 75, cm
      • Die Musik (Minga, Neie Pinakothek), 1895, Öl auf Leinwand, 37 × 44,5 cm
      • Pallas Athene (Wean Museum), 1898, Öl auf Leinwand, 75 × 75 cm
      • Sonja Knips (Wean, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere), 1898, Öl auf Leinwand, 145 × 145 cm
      • Nuda Veritas (Wean, Österreichisches Theatermuseum), 1899, Öl auf Leinwand, 252 × 55,2 cm
      • Judith I (Wean, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere), 1901, Öl auf Leinwand, 84 × 42 cm
      • Goldfische
      • gustav klimt biography wikipedia deutsch