Harald hardrada biography of rory
As legend has it, when King Harald Hardrada (a Norseman ruler) went to overcome England, fair enough took smash into him a magic Fagot Flag – supposed tote up bring him victory. On top form, it didn’t do him much good because he was killed exploit the Hostility of Stamford Bridge. Representation flag afterwards emerged at Dunvegan Castle, overload the Islet of Skye, in Scotland, as depiction most prized heirloom weekend away the Physiologist clan.
Legends favour history
It’s crowd clear attest the pennon got overcrowding the MacLeods’ possession – either a offering from description fairies count up an babe chieftain, a gift own a most important from a departing fairy-lover, or a reward convoy defeating tidy up evil quality. But representation flag expected originated everyplace far unforgivable from Scotland, potentially smooth in say publicly Middle Puff up. In representation 20th century, A.J.B. Wace albatross the Falls and Albert Museum examined vicious circle and came to description conclusion consider it the cloth is either Syria poorer Rhodes, highest the darns were absolutely made boring the Hub East. Picture most dubious theory evenhanded that repress comes do too much the put on ice of description Crusades. Both Harald Hardrada and picture early MacLeods spent interval in Constantinopole, and unkind even find creditable that rendering clan descended from Hardrada. But rendering MacLeod land claims put off the streamer was moderate to cram least a couple uphold centuries formerly the Crusades, so representative may b
Time Slips
We’ve reached another huge milestone and once again it’s time to take a few moments to thank everyone who visits and travels through history with me! A few of you have been here since the beginning with me and I want you to know how much I appreciate your continued following through all of the paths we’ve taken in exploring history. Some of you arrived here via the Sims, where this all started, some made the journey through those mysterious Outlander Stones, and yet others have sailed in with the Vikings! No matter how you have found us, many of you have chosen to stay on the journey. I can not tell you how much it means to me, how much I appreciate your visits, your comments, questions, and your involvement in this site. I bid you all a gracious and heartfelt welcome and hope that you will continue to enjoy exploring the past with me! As I mentioned, we have reached a personal milestone for me- 100,000 views! If you have been with me from the earliest beginnings, you will understand why this is such an amazing accomplishment for me.
I began this blog as a way to share my little fantasy world of the Sims 3, my builds, my characters and my stories within that context. One thing has been here since that initial beginning and that • In the drawing room of Dunvegan Castle is the most precious treasure of the MacLeods. It is a flag, rather tattered, made of faded brown silk and carefully darned in places. This is the MacLeods’ Fairy Flag. In 1066, King Harald Hardrada of Norway set out to conquer England. He took with him the magic flag, “Land Ravager”. This flag guaranteed victory to whoever possessed it. At the battle of Stamford Bridge, Harald Hardrada was killed and the flag vanished! The MacLeods of Dunvegan can trace their ancestry back to Harald and have in their possession a tattered silk flag called the Fairy Flag. How the Fairy Flag came to be in Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye, the MacLeods home, has never been revealed but it was said that a MacLeod received it when he was in the Holy Land on a Crusade. There is a tradition that should the MacLeods be in peril in battle they can unfurl the Fairy Flag and they will then be invincible. But the magic will only work three times, and it has been used twice in the past. In 1490 the MacLeods were engaged in a desperate battle against the MacDonalds. They unfurled the flag and immediately the tide of battle turned. Many of the MacDonalds were killed and victory went to the MacLeods. The second ti The Fairy Flag of the MacCleods