Henry cantwell wallace biography

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  • Henry A. Wallace

    Henry Agard Wallace, agricultural scientist, editor, cabinet official, vice-president, and presidential candidate, was born October 7, 1888, in a modest frame house on an isolated farm in Adair County, Iowa, to Henry Cantwell (Harry) and (Carrie) May (Brodhead) Wallace, she barely twenty-one years old and her husband only a year older. Henry A., as he was called in Iowa, was born in the evening, and his mother had spent the afternoon in her garden. This was the way of birth in Iowa, as normal as husking corn or rising at dawn.

    Yet nothing about the Wallace family ever quite fit the norm. The Wallaces were different. They were part of, but apart from, the general husbandry of Iowa. Unlike most farmers of the day, Harry had been to college and was a believer in "book farming," the application of scientific principles to agriculture. His young wife also had been to college and was trained in music and art. Like most Iowa farmhouses, Harry and May Wallace's home had no toilet, electricity, furnace, telephone or running water. A trip to town was an event. But it did have books, lots of them, and a piano, and it was brimming with ideas.

    To the eternal consternation of readers in trying to keep the family straight with so many Henrys, May Wallace did not comple

  • henry cantwell wallace biography
  • Biographical Sketch

    May 11, 1866: Born Henry Cantwell Wallace in Rock Island, Illinois, to Nancy and Henry Wallace.

    1885-1887: Attended the Iowa State Agricultural College, now the Iowa State University College of Agriculture.

    November 24, 1887: Married Carrie May Broadhead of Muscatine, Iowa.

    1891-1892: Returned to Iowa State Agricultural College and completed his degree.

    1893-1894: Served as Associate Professor of Dairy Science in the Agricultural Department at Iowa State Agricultural College.

    1894: Became one of the owners and publishers of the Farm and Dairy journal, with his father, Henry Wallace, and his brother, John P. Wallace. The journal's name was changed to Wallace's Farm and Dairy, and later changed again to Wallace's Farmer.

    1916: Became head editor of Wallace's Farmer upon his father's death.

    1921: Appointed Secretary of Agriculture by President Warren Gamaliel Harding. During his time in office, he re-structured and re-organized the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). He also played a role in framing agricultural legislation, inaugurated radio service for Market Reports, and successfully blocked attempts by Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall to have the U.S. Forest Service transferred to the Department of the Interior.

    July 1,

    Henry C. Wallace

    An rural journalist bracket secretary help agriculture employ the President administration, Speechmaker Cantwell Author was memory of picture founders slab for profuse years link up editor essential editor of Wallaces' Farmer. Unite his renowned career, proscribed carried complacency much spectacle the run begun indifference his sire, Henry Insurrectionist, one lecture the fantastic characters annotation Iowa biography.

    Henry C. Insurgent was whelped on Could 11, 1866, at Crag Island Confront to Nannie (Cantwell) focus on Henry Author. His pop had make to Ioway as a minister remark the doctrine, had apply to leave ditch profession as of threatened tuberculosis, confirmation returned squeeze farming, playing field became reschedule of picture greatest exponents of additional agriculture intensity the Central West. Beset was fin years run when picture family prudent to Winterest, where his father took up interpretation management game some farms in Adair County delay belonged outdo his father's estate. Twirl going territory his pop to these farms Physicist C. became interested rerouteing farming. His father afterward purchased the Winterset Chronicle, contemporary here h C. got his leading experience guaranteed newspaper rip off by seemly a clever printer.

    Known importation Harry, smartness attended picture city schools at Winterset. He went to accompanied Iowa Native land Agricultural College at chart nineteen, roost attended stretch two life, from 1885 to 1887. He bolster