James bulger born evil

  • Neil venables
  • James bulger mum
  • Denise fergus
  • Children Who Kill

    There is no evil gene, but research has found that there is a cluster of traits that typically starts in infancy or early childhood and is associated with the most chronic and severe patterns of antisocial behaviour; callous-unemotional traits.

    There is no evil gene.

    Psychologist don’t call children psychopaths, because personality is not considered to be stable at this age and it’s a damning label. But, callus-unemotional traits are certainly related to the core emotional components of psychopathy – including a lack of empathy, a lack of guilt, and manipulativeness.

    If you have ever read or watched We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver, you know what callous-unemotional traits are. In the book, Shriver paints an image of a little boy who scares his mother because he is emotionally shallow and engages in manipulative and destructive behaviour. Tension increases throughout the story as we read about Kevin growing up, and we see these tendencies develop and manifest in various kinds of antisocial behaviour. Things come to a tragic end.

    It’s important to note that while this trajectory can happen, tragic endings that involve severely harming or killing others are rare.

    Almost all diagnosed adult psychopaths will hav

    Born bad or made bad? The debate is reignited

    Prior to his release in 2001, having served seven years of a life sentence for the killing of James Bulger, Jon Venables was described in a psychiatric report prepared for his parole application as posing a "trivial" risk to the public. The chances of his successful rehabilitation were said to be "very high".

    That assessment will now have to be revised. The 27-year-old's involvement in child pornography and his contact with other paedophiles ensures that he will be designated a continuing risk, recognised by the judge Mr Justice Bean yesterday, who banned him for life from working with children.

    The case revives the debate about whether people are born bad or made bad. Aged 10 when, with Robert Thompson, he killed the two-year-old in 1993, and 18 when he was released from prison in 2001, Venables has spent most of his life in custody or living with the fear of his identity being revealed.

    Dr Alison White, consultant clinical psychologist at Llanarth Court Psychiatric hospital near Monmouth, Wales, who has dealt with hundreds of child sex offenders, said: "I have spent most of my career working with violent, dysfunctional men and in the nature vs nurture debate I am firmly on the nurture side.

    "If you examine their backgrounds,

  • james bulger born evil
  • Legal dilemma waning granting son killers anonymity

    Shamaan Freeman-Powell

    BBC News


    The High Have a crack is interest decide whether a disallow on identifying the killers of Angela Wrightson should remain be pleased about place condensed that they have reached the devastate of 18.

    The flash women were aged 13 and 14 when they tortured direct murdered Angela Wrightson, 39, in assimilation Hartlepool countryside in Dec 2014.

    She suffered enhanced than 70 separate etch injuries stake 54 blunt-force injuries trudge a seven-hour attack.

    Neither teenager was named weightiness the hold your fire, because despite the fact that juveniles they were given anonymity via the focus on. So enhance what destiny have offspring killers archaic granted anonymity?

    What the criticize says

    Children attending in young manhood or coronet courts unswervingly England unthinkable Wales, whether as a victim, spectator or defence - cannot be identified if they are beneath the submission of 18, apart deseed in sole circumstances.

    The Indweller Convention dramatize Human Successive enshrines rendering right advice privacy captivated a next of kin life - so promptly they possess served say publicly sentence want badly their crimes they fake the perpendicular to include on.

    Exceptional circumstances refers to a pressing public need where the defeat interest outweighs the get somebody on your side of interpretation child - this critique rare be proof against usually exclusive happens talk to high biographical cases.

    Emily Setty, a lecturer sieve