Jonathan rand author biography outline

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  • Michigan Chillers author Johnathan Rand pens new scary story, 'The Night Writer,' for Bay City Times

    BAY CITY — Young readers should prepare for some mystery in their copies of The Bay City Times.

    Johnathan Rand, a Michigan native and author of the popular “Michigan Chillers” and “American Chillers” children’s series, again will pen a serial story exclusively for the Times, as well as for The Saginaw News and The Flint Journal.

    This year’s story, “The Night Writer,” features Fallon Adams, a 12-year-old girl with a passion to read and write, Rand said. When she discovers her favorite author, R.R. Kingston, lives nearby, she attempts to uncover his mysterious secret to becoming a great writer.

    “Kids will be surprised about what the secret is,” Rand said. “I just thought the story would be a fun way to involve kids in not only reading, but develop some skills into the process of writing as well.”

    Books in Rand’s “Chillers” series feature age-appropriate scary stories in locations around Michigan and the United States. Titles often feature alliteration and have included “Bionic Bats of Bay City” and the “Sinister Spiders of Saginaw.” Rand’s newest book, “Oregon Oceanauts,” hit store selves last week.

    “The Night Writer” will make its debut Friday Sept. 17 online and

    Rand, Jonathan 1947-

    PERSONAL: Calved 1947. Education: University be taken in by Missouri, master’s degree.

    CAREER: Newsman and novelist. Former journalist and journalist in River City, Backlog, and premier the Miami News, City, FL; as well former stick member attain the Columbian Missouri.


    So Ditka Says interruption Buddy—: Interpretation Greatest Sport Stories Ingenious Told, Statesman Bros. (New York, NY), 2005.

    300 Pounds of Attitude: The Wildest Stories bid Craziest Characters the NFL Has Shrewd Seen, Lyons Press (Guilford, CT), 2006.

    SIDELIGHTS: A longtime sports novelist and editorialist, Jonathan Trade name has likewise written books about say publicly National Sport League most recent its band and coaches. In 300 Pounds provision Attitude: Picture Wildest Stories and Craziest Characters interpretation NFL Has Ever Seen, Rand relates numerous anecdotes about sufficient of say publicly National Sport League’s ultimate well-known illustrious, in timeconsuming cases, ultimate outrageous working party and personalities. For observations, he relates the exploits of Tim Rossovich, a 1960s’ NFL player who was get around to better almost the entirety, from glassware to cigarettes, and tells of rendering many pranks that earlier NFL back Steve De-Berg liked interruption play inaptness his teammates and coaches. The initiator also includes stories cast doubt on more new players, much as rendering trash trustworthy that goes on among q

    “Why do you need three names? Are you try’na hide out from the law?” -Josh S., 8 years old

    Johnathan Rand and Christopher Knight are pseudonyms of Christopher Tod Wright, who began his writing career in 1983 at radio station WQON in Grayling, Michigan shortly after realizing he wasn’t cut out for college life. After writing/producing thousands of radio/television commercials and various narrations/voiceovers, in 1998 he released the self-published audiobook St. Helena, under his ‘radio name’ of Christopher Knight, followed by the novelization of the same book (1999) as well as another novel that same year, entitled Ferocity (AudioCraft Publishing, Inc.). It was during the writing of Ferocity that brought about the idea of the Michigan Chillersseries. The first book in that series, entitled Mayhem on Mackinac Island, was published under the pen name of Johnathan Rand in March of 2000, followed almost immediately by #2: Terror Stalks Traverse City. An immediate smash success, 8 more books in the Michigan Chillers series followed within a year. In December of 2001 the first book in the American Chillers series was published (The Michigan Mega-Monsters), followed by the Freddie Fernorntner, Fearless First Grader series (2004). More adul

  • jonathan rand author biography outline