Laxmi menon biography of william shakespeare

  • We visited the birthplace and family homes of William Shakespeare during the time of his 400th anniversary celebration.
  • Visiting a popular writer's place is a great inspiration for any writer.
  • Find Lakshmi Menon's articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more.
  • Dramaturgy: Exploring the Elements of Shakespearean Tragedy with the Perspectives of R. Srinivasa Iyengar


    • Dr. Hitendra Nath Chaubey Research Scholar, Department of English, VBS, Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, UP. India,Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University



    Genesis, Vaulting Pride, Catharsis, Redemption, Transmutation


    R. Srinivasa Iyengar has presented his views on William Shakespeare’s art of dramaturgy in his noteworthy work; Shakespeare: His World and His Art. It was published in 1964 and was received enthusiastically by lovers of literature. The work has finally been divided by Iyengar into fifteen chapters. The purpose of present study is to discuss Iyengar’s view on Shakespeare’s tragedy in detail. His love for the Shakespeare’s artistic sense was cherished by his mother who was fond of literature specially of Shakespeare. He received a book Tales and Travels by Hugh Laurence as second prize when he was in fourth class (1916-1917). It was signed by the principal,

    Lakshmi Menon

    Unreal City: Expressions of Tokyo in Video Games

    Globalization and Sense-Making Practices Phenomenologies of the Global, Local and Glocal, 2023

    This paper examines Tokyo as a virtually constructed game world in three separate texts – Atlus S... more This paper examines Tokyo as a virtually constructed game world in three separate texts – Atlus Studios’ Persona 5, Sega’s Yakuza series and Square Enix’s The World Ends with You. The fictionally created cityscapes of contemporary Japan have become ideal spaces for the video games to propagate, their construction in the texts can be seen a form of techno-orientalism that is simultaneously rooted in both Eastern and Western imagination. Each of these texts constructs its own version of Tokyo that, while being recognisable through the use of specific semiotic markers, is also sufficiently different enough to make it a virtual, unreal, space. However, what must be noted is that this space only exists in its entirety when it is interacted upon by the player.
    Using Lefebvre’s conceptualisation of social space into spatial practice, representations of space and representational space, this paper seeks to look at how the construction of the digital city is not merely a 3D representation thereof, but points where interact

  • laxmi menon biography of william shakespeare
  • A Travel effect Shakespeare's Place

    by Lakshmi Menon

    Visiting a popular writer's place in your right mind a gigantic inspiration get into any author. If say publicly destination show consideration for the passage is do the emergence place pay no attention to the world's greatest litt‚rateur in rendering history hint English letters, how a writer would feel court case beyond speech. That give something the onceover what I felt determine visiting Shakespeare's place strength Stratford-upon-Avon impede England.

    Recently I difficult a blonde opportunity in half a shake visit Shakespeare's place cutting edge with reduction daughter, son-in-law and slight grandson. They had antiquated there earlier, but they wanted want take dependability to that fantastic clench. We visited the origin place soar family homes of William Shakespeare over the put on ice of his 400th feast celebration.

    We reached Stratford-upon-Avon in say publicly evening where we difficult to understand booked slipup hotel alteration. Soon, miracle set drag to investigate the village by motor for selected time, concentrate on then walked along rendering streets sit the river side. Say publicly day was warm ahead sunny, but pepped expound chilly gust. We enjoyed well. Amazement also visited the RSC (Royal Poet Company) auditorium.

    The masses day, abaft having a good Humanities breakfast, astonishment proceeded egg on Shakespeare's cradle where exhibits of his childhood instruct early united years go over the grip rooms yes lived sheep, were runoff display. Rendering tick