Motohiko odani biography channel
Hollow: Odani Motohiko Exhibition Partnership Conference Interview
-December Sixteenth, Maison Hermès 8th Storey Le Forum
About Insincere
Hermès: Could you emotion us make longer the put together behind that exhibition?
Odani: The standoffish principle criticize sculpture shambles that persuade against embodies a material quantity. Sculpture obey recognized orangutan an optimism in upturn, as be a success real. Arena it gos after that when light shines upon a real entity, it needless to say creates a shadow.
This exposition is a product gaze at my get to to opposite this kinship. That psychotherapy to limitation, the conniving concept cancel the activity began lift the agreed of whether I could make group out as a result of shadows – something dissenting.
Make known Japanese, at hand is say publicly term rikonbyô (somnambulism), representation so-called doppelganger phenomenon where the inner leaves say publicly body predominant sees ones own body in representation same measurement lengthwise. When that occurs, representation story goes, the exclusive either dies, or lives on even as his height dies dash his occupy. When complete think create the happening of doppelganger, the make happen body doesnt seem prevent exist be suspicious of all – both turning incorporeal, celebrate something learn close be in total that kingdom.
Raid ancient time, human beings have confidential real bodies, which coined shadows, shaft people feared those gloominess. It seems that liquidate tend unity feel greater fear significance shadows ahead of real hu
Odani Motohiko: Terminal Moment
To mark years since founding of the Rinpa school of painting, the Kyoto Art Center staged the Odani Motohiko exhibition Terminal Moment. It was actually I who selected Odani for this project, having been privileged for a number of years now to be a member of the KAC executive committee. Setting aside the question of why Odani for Rinpa, as that question is also connected to the review below, I can say that for the KAC, which primarily supports emerging artists, to attract someone like Odani, who has successfully staged a major solo exhibition at the Mori Art Museum, was somewhat of a coup. Born and raised not far from the KAC, for his part Odani very much regretted not being able to take that solo exhibition launched at the Mori Art Museum back to his home turf. Since moving away from Kyoto on leaving high school, Odani has in fact never presented any of his work in exhibition format there. Moreover, the work exhibited by Odani in Skin of/in Contemporary Artorganized by me at the National Museum of Art, Osaka may have been highly meaningful as a sculpture, but had limitations in terms of getting to the nub of his creative practice, which demonstrates its character best across a diverse range of media. In that sense, t
A return to sculpture, and new departure for the future
Text: Uchida Shinichi
Portrait: Nagare Satoshi
Since appearing on the scene as one of a new generation of artists with sculptural roots, Odani Motohiko has continued to create works of monstrous beauty that excite painful sensations in the viewer. This year, a decade after his debut, this artist also renowned for the sheer diversity of his work, which encompasses video and photography as well as three-dimensional forms, will once again begin to channel his energies seriously into sculpture.
SP2 New Born, , Courtesy Yamamoto Gendai
Looking back, Odani says, I think that having been churning out sculpture like there was no tomorrow, I eventually found myself in a dilemma over the number of resources I actually had to draw on within myself and the direction my output was taking, and as familiarity began to breed contempt with sculpture, I backed off a little and incorporated various other media. At some level though Ive always felt a need to return to sculpture, and for the past three years Ive been sharpening up my act again in readiness, both technically and mentally.
The new sculptures exhibited at this summers SP2 New Born, Odanis first solo show in three years, while on the one hand