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Superconducting dipole magnet for the CBMexperiment at FAIR
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kurilkin, P.; Akishin, P.; Bychkov, A.; Floch, E.; Gusakov, Yu.; Ladygin, V.; Malakhov, A.; Moritz, G.; Ramakers, H.; Senger, P.; Shabunov, A.; Szwangruber, P.; Toral, F.
The scientific goal of the CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter) experiment at FAIR (Darmstadt) is to explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter at highest baryon densities. The physics program of the CBMexperiment is complimentary to the programs to be realized at MPD and BMN facilities at NICA and will start with beam derived by the SIS100 synchrotron. The 5.15 MJ superconducting dipole magnet will be used in the silicon tracking system of the CBM detector. The magnet will provide a magnetic field integral of 1 Tm which is required to obtain a momentum resolution of 1% for the track reconstruction. The results of the development of dipole magnet of the CBMexperiment are presented.
Hypernuclei Program at the CBMExperiment
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vassiliev, Iouri; Senger, Peter; Kisel, Ivan; Zyzak, Maksym
Main goal of the CBMexperiment at FAIR is to study behaviour of nuclear matter at very high baryonic density in which the transition to a deconfined and chirally restored
POPLINE Curated Insect Sciences Belleslettres Node 1 Subnode 593
Incident Response
MITRE ATT&CK™ Techniques Detection
This report has 3 indicators that were mapped to 5 attack techniques and 4 tactics. View all details
Persistence | ||||||
T1179 | Hooking |
| Windows processes often leverage application programming interface (API) functions to perform tasks that require reusable system resources. Learn more | |||
T1215 | Kernel Modules and Extensions | Loadable Kernel Modules (or LKMs) are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into the kernel upon demand. Learn more | ||||
Privilege Escalation | ||||||
T1179 | Hooking |
| Windows processes often leverage application programming interface (API) functions to perform tasks that require reusable system resources. Learn more | |||
Credential Access | ||||||
T1179 | Hooking |
| Windows processes often leverage application programming interface (API) functions to perform tasks that require reusable system resources. Learn more | |||
Command and Control | ||||||
T1094 | Custom Command and Control Protocol | Adversaries may communicate using a custom command and control protocol instead of using existing [[Technique/T1071|Standard Applicat