Suzanna abdullah biography of michael
Prof. Michael A. Nitsche
Professional Biography:
Prof. Nitsche is Scientific Director of the Department of Psychology and Neurosciences at the Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors in Dortmund, Germany. He is furthermore staff member at the Dept. Neurology of the University Medical Hospital Bergmannsheil, Bochum, adjunct member of the psychological faculty oft he University of Bochum, and Member oft he International Graduate School for Neurosciences at Bochum University. Previously, he worked as neurologist at the University Medical Hospital Goettingen, Dept. Clinical Neurophysiology. His main research interest is focused on cognitive neuroscience, and non-invasive brain stimulation approaches in humans.
On August, 2017 Prof. Nitsche was presented with the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor Title for the duration of 2017-2020 by Head of Speech Therapy Department. His visiting professorship title was renewed for the duration of 2020-2023.
Research Interests:
Cognitive neurosciences
Non-invasive brain stimulation
5 Top Recent Publications:
Fresnoza S, Stiksrud E, Klinker F, Liebetanz D, Paulus W, Kuo MF, Nitsche MA. Dosage-dependent effect of dopamine D2
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Reference ID:
Introducing interpretation Staged Description Analysis: A Comprehensive Possibility to Psychoanalyse Multi-Layered subject Complex Chronicle Data
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