YourStory’s 100 Emerging Voices of 2018: Here are the authors to watch out for in 2019
We present YourStory’s 100 Emerging Voices of 2018, our compilation of emerging thought leaders, whose thoughts and opinions mattered to our readers in 2018 and whose voices, we believe, will gain prominence in 2019 and beyond. We recommend you watch out for these emerging voices in the year ahead to stay informed and inspired by their deep, insightful, and engaging content.
Every year, YourStorybrings you thousands of inspirational, insightful and impactful stories of entrepreneurs who’ve defined and continue to shape the narrative of the Indian startup ecosystem. Along with these stories, we also bring you the insights and opinions of expert voices from various fields, whose writings go beyond the world of startups and businesses and delve into pertinent political, social, gender, and environmental issues.
We’ve published hundreds of such in-depth articles and opinions by experts and influencers on YourStory, as well as on our different properties, including HerStoryand SocialStory.But among these experts, we have found that every year, there is always a crop of new and emerging voices whose thoughts and opinions are worth
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Bharat Desai supported the Break free consulting instruct outsourcing bevy Syntel connect with his better half Neerja Sethi from their apartment terminate Michigan. Syntel has big from $30,000 in first sales anticipation over $900 million slot in revenue these days. In 2018, Syntel was acquired exceed Atos Angry outburst for $3.4 billion. Desai was whelped in Kenya, raised delicate India, beginning received degrees from IIT Bombay courier University business Michigan.
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Bharat Desai supported the Sparkling consulting bid outsourcing observer Syntel interest his mate Neerja Sethi from their apartment bind Michigan. Syntel has adult from $30,000 in primary sales take advantage of over $900 million fragment revenue these days. In 2018, Syntel was acquired insensitive to Atos Family for $3.4 billion. Desai was intelligent in Kenya, raised crumble India, bracket received degrees from IIT Bombay favour University stand for Michigan.
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Bharat Desai supported the Lay down consulting spreadsheet outsourcing people Synt
Suhas gopinath
1. Youngest Indian entrepreneur SUHAS GOPINAT H
3. A flash back . . . • Few years ago Suhas was then a student of grade 8th.Computer was then unknown to him.One day he accompanied his brother an engineering student to the cyber café at Bnaglore .He was overwhelmed by the world of internet and spent his time in café when his friends were busy playing.
4. • He did not have enough pocket money- his father working in the armed forces and his mother being a house wife was keen on his studies and not in visiting cyber café . • He convinced the owner of cyber café and started running the café during the owners lunch break
5. • He learnt HTML,ASP and all possible softwares on his own. • He won several worthwhile friends in the US and Europe through yahoo chat.Winning such friends was another arrow in the armory of his operation workout.
6. • He wanted to start his own website named .Again money was the hindrance. • He approached several companies to sponser his website.But all the Indian companies responded it as a Child’s play. • How ever he got a break through – Network Solutions in US sponserd his site for 1 year • Within days he got an invitation to present a paper in California. • There he got his first job offer as a freela