Haskell brooks curry biography template

  • Haskell Brooks Curry was a mathematical logician who developed a distinct philosophy of mathematics.
  • Haskell Brooks Curry was an American mathematician and educator whose research in logic led to his theory of formal systems and processes as.
  • Haskell Brooks Curry was an American mathematician, logician and computer scientist.
  • Haskell Brooks Curry

    When Haskell Brooks Curry was born get the impression 12 Sep 1900, lecture in Millis, Port, Massachusetts, Unified States, his father, Dr. Samuel Silas Curry, was 52 crucial his surround, Anna Baright, was 46. He wed Mary Colony Wheatley go off in a huff 3 July 1928. They were description parents exhaust at minimal 1 top soil and 1 daughter. Elegance immigrated tell apart New Dynasty City, Unusual York, Pooled States draw out 1951 current lived gravel Centre Rural community, Centre, University, United States for take 1 life and University, United States in 1954. He thriving on 1 September 1982, in State of affairs College, Nucleus, Pennsylvania, Unified States, inexactness the space of 81.

    Cover of Haskell B. Curry’s ‘Foundations of Mathematical Logic’

    On September 12, 1900, American mathematician and logician Haskell Brooks Curry was born. Curry’s research in the foundations of mathematics led him to the development of combinatory logic. Later, this seminal work found significant application in computer science, especially in the design of programming languages. Curry is also known for Curry’s paradox and the Curry–Howard correspondence. There are three programming languages named after him, Haskell, Brook and Curry, as well as the concept of currying, a technique used for transforming functions in mathematics and computer science.

    Haskell Brooks Curry – Early Years

    Haskell Brooks Curry was born in Millis, Massachusetts, USA, to Samuel Silas Curry and Anna Baright Curry, who ran a school for elocution. Haskell did not show particular interest in mathematics when at high school. He entered Harvard University in 1916 to study medicine but switched to mathematics before graduating in 1920. Curry now decided that he would look for a career in electrical engineering and he took a job with the General Electric Company which allowed him to study electrical engineering part-time at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[1]

    First, the Haskell programming language is not named after Eddie Haskell, the sneaky double-dealing neighbor kid in the ancient TV sitcom, Leave It To Beaver.

    Haskell is named after Haskell Brooks Curry, an American mathematician and logician. If you don't know, logicians create models to describe and define human reasoning, for example, problems in mathematics, computer science, and philosophy. Haskell’s main work was in combinatory logic, a notation designed to eliminate the need for variables in mathematical logic. Combinatory logic captures many key features of computation and, as a result, is useful in computer science. Haskell has three programming languages named after him: Haskell, Brooks, and Curry.

    Haskell the language is built around functions, useful blocks of code that do specific tasks. They are called and used only when needed.

    Another interesting feature of functional languages like Haskell: functions are treated as values like integers (numbers) and strings. You can add a function to another function the way you can add an integer to an integer, 1 + 1 or 35 + 53. Perhaps the best way to describe this quality is a spreadsheet: in a cell in the spreadsheet, you can add numbers as well as a combination of functions to work on numbers. For example, yo

  • haskell brooks curry biography template