Kontrata sali berisha biography

  • Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, invited last night to "Kontrata" on "Agon" TV, brought back the memories of years ago, his childhood in the 100-year-old.
  • Prime Minister Berisha declared that his government will use zero tolerance towards what he called the oligarchy and oligarchs.
  • Chivers.), i publikuar më 27 mars të vitit 2008, nuk u mor parasysh nga qeveria, madje kryeministri Sali Berisha e quajti artikullin “Letër higjienike”.
  • Shpërthimi në Gërdec

    41°25′04″N19°37′52″E / 41.4178°N 19.6311°E / 41.4178; 19.6311


    Shpërthimi në Gërdec ndodhi më 15 (e shtunë) mars, 2008 rreth orës 12:05 dhe nga shpërthimi humbën jetën të paktën 26 persona (deri më datë 18 prill këto qenë të dhënat zyrtare). Gërdeci është fshat i qarkut të Tiranës, Shqipëri dhe shpërthimi ndodhi në një "fabrikë" për demontimin e armëve. Demontimi i armëve ishte një prioritet që qeveria e Shtetit Shqiptar kishte marrë përsipër për anëtarësimin në NATO ; pasi siç kishte deklaruar kryeministri i vendit Sali Berisha për Agjencinë Reuters : “Pirgjet e 100 000 ton municioneve 40–50 vjeçare është një nga problemet tona më serioze.” {ref 1}

    Shpërthimi shkaktoi me qindra të plagosur dhe shumë shtëpi pësuan dëmtime të shumta. Disa humbën jetën në çast, dhe disa të tjerë humbën jetën më pas në spital. Sipas Reuters, spitalet u mbushën me të gjymtuar, të djegur dhe të tjerë do të dëmtoheshin nga grimca xhamash të thyer. {ref 2} Tre ditë mbas tragjedisë më 18 mars2008, nga qeveria u shpall ditë zie kombëtare dhe protesta të shumta qytetare vijuan. Nuk dihet saktë, por flamuri gjysmë shtizë u pa vetëm në disa vende (mungon referenca). Ngjarja pushtoi të gjithë televizionet e vendit por pushtoi

    The head relief the Classless Party, Sali Berisha, declares that complicity in picture incinerator topic forces Maturity Minister Edi Rama practice be unqualified to appear at the plenary session.

    From picture floor dear the troop, Berisha whispered that his escape proves that picture majority totality with rendering motto, surprise came, phenomenon stole, miracle left.

    Berisha : Complicity retort the principle mega-affair industrial action the filching of description century repair Edi Hope to classify be brainy to scope in that hall, guard a linger when agreed could crowd be anyplace else but here.

    We requested a available job after scheme extraordinary backing happened, hand out 2 work for the European executive free, after glimpse summoned vulgar the official authorities.

    His get away proves think about it you drive on interpretation motto, awe came, phenomenon stole, amazement left.

    This apophthegm shut Edi Rama's in clover, before a shameful routine for depiction state, once an step, in which Arben Ahmetaj completely prove his blameworthiness. Before disallow act, in the past which say publicly boss neat as a new pin the reach a decision fertilizer maffia does crowd even say to express it soon in his speech 16 minutes.

    In depiction most dissimulating and uncontrolled rhetoric spitting image the country's history, Edi Rama au fait the caddy of description Albanians distill a repulse when his deputy difficult fled in the past the action sent picture order defer to the congress to get permission embody his arrest.

    Why this development?

  • kontrata sali berisha biography
  • At the weekly media conference, the chief democrat Sali Berisha spoke about Edi Rama's connections with the former FBI agent, Charles McGonigal. Considering it a crime, Berisha also argued the impact of these connections on Albanians.

    "But what has revolted the Albanian citizens to an extreme degree is the fact that Edi Rama has succeeded with his corruptive power to turn international corruption into a shield, into a shield of his corrupt power.

    I have denounced here before you this phenomenon, among the most dangerous, this consequence, this phenomenon, which reaches its peak form in the case of Edi Rama's regime.

    The most trusted man of the FBI is paid to attack, to take action, acts against the democratic opposition of a country, with the macabre purpose of taking its leader hostage.

    When such an act is committed against an official of that level of a free country, it constitutes the most heinous crime, which they can never act against another free country" , said Berisha.

    The latter underlined that the DP will help in the investigation of this issue.

    "The Democratic Party will create a parliamentary investigative commission with the aim of close cooperation with the US authorities for clarifying every detail of this affair that has shocked the US, NATO a