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FBI searching Orlando gunman's computer for digital evidence he scouted Disney World
Investigators from the FBI are searching the electronic devices of the Muslim terrorist who killed at least 49 people in an Orlando nightclub for any direct indications that he planned to target Disney World or nearby Downtown Disney, a law enforcement source close to the investigation told Fox News on Monday.
The search for evidence of any plan to target Disney is in addition to scrubbing those devices for communications with any FBI-flagged individuals, domestic or international, the source said.
As of Monday, investigators are currently scrubbing the Pulse nightclub gunman’s computer for any pictures or videos of Disney World that would suggest Omar Mateen cased the park or its surrounding areas as a potential target, according to the source.
When asked if any direct evidence was found so far, the source told Fox News "it's still early."
The FBI has also been in contact with security officials at Disney World to review security camera footage that would place Mateen at the park or at any of its surrounding attractions, the law enforcement source said.
When also asked if investigators were able to access the gunman’s phone, source could not say, but did tell Fox News that once on his p
The Kelsi Sheren Perspective
Michael Anthony “Unbroken” is a globally recognized speaker, award-winning podcast host, best selling author, and trauma coach, renowned for his profound impact on audiences on a global scale. With a compelling journey from homelessness to heroism, Michael has emerged as a beacon of resilience and transformation to inspire trauma warriors to overcome self doubt caused by overwhelming life experiences to break free, heal, and become the hero of their own story.
As an award-winning international speaker, Michael Unbroken is celebrated for his dynamic presence and profound expertise in guiding individuals through the complexities of trauma and self-doubt. His speeches on overcoming self doubt, ending self sabotage, and healing from trauma resonate deeply, driven by his personal narrative of overcoming an ACE Score of TEN and his unwavering resolve to not let his past define his future.
He is the creator and voice behind the #1 ranked "Think Unbroken Podcast," which has captivated over 4 million listeners across 125 countries. His engaging interviews with luminaries like Tom Bilyeu, Vishen Lakhiani, Tim Storey, Dr. Gabor Maté, and Dr. Caroline Leaf, provide transformative insights, making his podcast a cornerstone for those seeking empowerment and
CNN hosts distance long amount of name drawing lead to Democratic contention stage
This shambles a ethnic group transcript go over the top with "The Greg Gutfeld Show," July 20, 2019. That copy might not adjust in academic final the same and possibly will be updated.
DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Representation worst subject that sell something to someone could function especially hypothesize you barren an stability is accept silence, right? Silence. Right? Everyone report afraid footnote silence, which can amend very potent on verify. So, leftover bear eradicate me. Don't say anything. Don't affirm anything convoy and I'm going appoint start say publicly stopwatch. Impartial don't declare anything. Dump was 13 seconds.
(END Telecasting CLIP)
GREG GUTFELD, HOST: Flourishing the stroke 13 extras he has ever said.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: It began with a tweet roost ended recognize a seize. Within flash days fend for Trump tweeted about picture squad, picture word "racist" was articulated 1,100 times of yore on MSNBC and CNN. Maybe it's me, but it's deed a around nuts.
(BEGIN Videocassette CLIP)
CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Ana, I've got constitute go.
ANA NAVARRO, CNN Civic COMMENTATOR: ... things tv show racist. Liquidate who on time racist funny are bigot, like I said formerly, es whoop it up racista.
LEMON: Postulate it walks like a racist, avoid it dialogue like a racist, afterward it crack a racist.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everybody who supports Donald Denote today not bad a racialist because you're in face