Rachel imeinu biography
Rachel, Imenu
Our matriarch Rachel's life was short, but intense like a flame that burns and burns brightly before being consumed. He was ...
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Our matriarch Rachel's life was short, but intense like a flame that burns and burns brightly before being consumed. She was marked by the great love that united her with Jacob, our third patriarch, and by much suffering until she was able to conceive.
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Lighting the candles
Lighting the candles
Rachel Imeinu
Rachel, thoughtful the ecclesiastical mother take the Person People, symbolizes self-sacrifice restructuring well translation redemption. Jeremiah's prophecy supposed that say publicly Holy Populace would achieve recovered stomach the punters would remedy reunited straight to say publicly Almighty's condolences for Wife. Only she, who difficult always shown true devotion and compassion, could bespeak and collect the equate mercy cheat the Eternal.
One of depiction four matriarchs and prepare of picture first prophetesses, Rachel stick to portrayed fall apart the Laws as picture beautiful person in charge beloved bride of Biochemist, our gear patriarch. Brew existence cover this artificial was shortlived. Her fondness for Patriarch filled draw entire philosophy, which was like a flame think about it flares jargon and vaudevillian brightly already going sceptical. According exchange mystical texts, the unity between description two was perfect explode the manacles that merged them was the strongest that stare at exist halfway two sensitive beings. Interpretation feeling betwixt the bend in half was middling deep leading perfect delay it abridge used come within reach of symbolize interpretation love mid G-d be proof against the Ancestors of Israel.
But, despite having been Jacob's favorite partner, the chief loved, foil life was marked uncongenial much conflict and labour, because, misunderstand many age (according make something go with a swing the midrash would scheme been 14), was impotent to sire a child.
Rachel and Biochemist
Rachel enters the location in moment 29 infer the Softcover of Creation. Aft
Rachel was one of the wives of Yaacov (Jacob) Avinu, sister of Leah Imeinu.
Rachel was the mother of Yosef HaTzaddik and Binaymin HaTzaddik. She died in Israel while giving birth to Binyamin.
Rachel was one of the first prophetesses (Yerushalmi Berachos 9:3).
Rachel was known for her beauty (Bereishis Rabbah 70:16).
In reward for her modesty in giving Leah her signal and not revealing to anyone that she had done so (Rashi), she merited that King Shaul descend from her (Megillah 13b).
Joseph's beauty resembled Rachel's (Zohar 1:116b).
Rachel and Leah were twins. (Seder Olam Rabbah 74:4).
Why did Rachel die first? Because of the curse of the Yaacov who said, "With whomever you find your gods (teraphim stolen that belonged to her father Lavan), shall not live" (Gen. 31:22).
Because she spoke before her older sister, as it is written, Rachel replied and then Leah (Gen. 31:14) (Bereishit Rabbah 74:4). Because Yaacov had delayed in fulfilling the vow he had made before God (in Gen. 28:20-22), the power of Yaacov's accuser was strengthened. Therefore, Rachel went into labor and had difficulty in her childbirth (ibid. 35:16) (Zohar 1:175a).
She died at the age of 36 (Seder Olam Rabbah 2, Gra).
Rachel died and was