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  • SHINDE, Nanasaheb Madhukar and Martin PUMERA. High Performance MXene/MnCo2O4 Supercapacitor Device for Powering Small Robotics. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. Washington, D. C.: American Chemical Society, 2024, 6(10), p. 7339-7345. ISSN 2637-6113. [Detail]

    JU, X. and Martin PUMERA. Single Atom Engineering for Nanorobotics. ACS Nano. Washington, D. C.: American Chemical Society, 2024, 31(18), p. 1-5. ISSN 1936-0851. [Detail]

    USSIA, Martina, Mario URSO, Cagatay M ORAL, Xia PENG and Martin PUMERA. Magnetic Microrobot Swarms with Polymeric Hands Catching Bacteria and Microplastics in Water. ACS Nano. Washington, D. C.: American Chemical Society, 2024, 18(20), p. 13171-13183. ISSN 1936-0851. [Detail]

    VELIKOV, Dean I, Anna JANCIK-PROCHAZKOVA and Martin PUMERA. On-the-Fly Monitoring of the Capture and Removal of Nanoplastics with Nanorobots. ACS Nanoscience Au. WASHINGTON: American Chemical Society, 2024, 2024(April), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2694-2496. [Detail]

    ŽIVOTSKÝ, Ondřej, Lucie GEMBALOVÁ, Kateřina SKOTNICOVÁ, Ivo SZURMAN, Tomáš ČEGAN, Jan JUŘICA, Ondřej MALINA and Jakub ČÍŽEK. Low-temperature antiferromagnetism in quaternary Mn2FeSi0.5Al0.5 alloys. AIP Advances. American Institute of Physics, 2024, 14(1), p. 015218(1)-015218(5). ISSN 2158-32

  • Abubakar, Ukashatu; Mekhilef, Saad; Mokhlis, Hazlie; Seyedmahmoudian, Mehdi; Stojcevski, Alex; Rawa, Muhyaddin (2023). The Impacts of Terrestrial Wind Turbine's Operation on Telecommunication Services, ENERGIES. 16(1). doi:10.3390/en16010371

  • Ahmad, Shameem; Mubarak, Hamza; Jhuma, Umme Kulsum; Ahmed, Tofael; Mekhilef, Saad; Mokhlis, Hazlie (2023). Point of Common Coupling Voltage Modulated Direct Power Control of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Inverter for AC Microgrid Application, INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS. 2023. doi:10.1155/2023/3641907

  • Azri, A. A. Khairul; Jasni, M. S. Mohd; Hatta, S. F. Wan Muhamad; Islam, M. A.; Wahab, Y. Abdul; Mekhilef, S.; Ker, P. J. (2023). Advancement in thermophotovoltaic technology and nanoparticle incorporation for power generation, SOLAR ENERGY. 259, 279-297. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2023.05.018

  • Choo, Alexander; Ramiah, Harikrishnan; Churchill, Kishore Kumar Pakkirisami; Chen, Yong; Mekhilef, Saad; Mak, Pui-In; Martins, Rui P. (2023). A High-Performance Dual-Topology CMOS Rectifier With 19.5-dB Power Dynamic Range for RF-Based Hybrid Energy Harvesting, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS. . doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2023.3261263

  • Daula Siddique, Marif; Aslam Husain, Mohammed; Iqbal, Atif; Mekhile

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  • Qassim Haddad

    TitlePublication yearLocation: PublisherNumber see pagesCover organizer البشارة (“Portents”)1970 (1st ed.), 1984 (2nd. ed.)Manama/Beirut: al-Sharikah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Wikālāt wa-al-Tawzīʻ (1st), Kuwait City: Dar al-Rabian (2nd)199 (1st ed.), 198 (2nd ed.)Abdullah al-Muharraqi (1st ed.), no one (2nd ed.) خروج رأس الحسين من المدن الخائنة (“The Difference of Ras Al-Husayn pass up the Dangerous Cities”)1972Beirut: Undeviating al-Awda91Abdullah Youssefالدم الثاني (“The Second Blood”)1975Manama: Dar al-Ghad112Abdullah Youssef قلب الحب (“Love’s Heart”)1980Beirut: Through Ibn Khaldun100Abdullah Youssef القيامة (“Judgment Day”)1980Beirut: Dar al-Kalima/Dar Ibn Rushd114Joan Miróشظايا (“Splinters”)1981Beirut: Dar al-Farabi175Salvador Dalíالمسرح البحريني التجربة والافق (“The Root for and Unconventional of Arab Theatre”)1981 (1st ed.), 2018 (2nd ed.)Manama: Ministry suggest Information/Information Basis Authority (1st and Ordinal eds.)140Abdullah Youssef انتماءات (“Inclinations”)1982Beirut: Dar al-Farabi128موضوعات حول العامية والشعر العامي (“Essays intent Nabati Poetry,” with Abdul Rahman Rafi and Abdulqader Aqeel)1983Manama: Average Editions48النهروان (“Nahrawan,” illustrated harsh