Mosman intergenerational biography projects

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  • I had the amazing opportunity to collaborate with the Sea Museum and have access a subset collection of radio booklets called, For New Australians (1957/1958). These were government issued booklets that were accompanied by a live radio broadcasted that aired every Saturday in the morning and afternoon. Researching on the radio booklets and migration in Australian in 1950s took me on a grand adventure, from the online archives of  Trove and ABC to the hike from Martin Place station to the NSW State Library. In my university life, I have never undertaken research quite like this because I felt like what I was doing mattered.

    The main argument of this blogpost is to inform and emphasise to everyday Australians that our history of migrants learning the English language is extremely niche. I hope to show that although the booklets were published in the period where the White Australia policy was slowly vanishing, its residual impact on the general populace of Australia remained. In my research into migration and the White Australia policy, it was evident that our immigration programs were highly planned and targeted a specific type of people. Indeed my research has indicated that non-European migrants, particularly Chinese people were migrating to Austral







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    Climate Science as Counterculture

    ADORNO, Theodor, 1983. Cultural Criticism and Society. In Prisms. Cambridge, United States: MIT Press, p. 17-34.

    ADORNO, Theodor, 1997. Aesthetic Theory. New York, United States: Continuum.

    ADORNO, Theodor, 2006. History and Freedom. Cambridge: Polity.

    BILOUS, Oleg and AMUNDSON, Neil R., 1955. Chemical Reactor Stability and Sensitivity. AIChE Journal. 1955. vol. 1, no. 4, p. 513-521.

    BOGDANOV, Alexander, 1980. Essays in Tektology. Seaside, United States: Intersystems.

    BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1977. Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    BROCKMAN, Joh, 1996. The Third Culture. New York: Tochstone.

    BROCKWAY, Lucile, 1979. Science and Colonial Expansion. New York, United States: Academic Press.

    BUCKMINSTER FULLER, Richard, 1969. Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth. New York, United States: Arkana.

    BURTT, E. A., 2003. The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science. Mineola, United States: Dover.

    CASSEGARD, Carl; THRON, Hakan, 2017. Toward a postapocalyptic environmentalism? Responses to loss and visions of the future in climate activism. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. 2017. vol. I, no. 4, p. 561-578.

    CHARNEY, Jule and QUIRK, William J., 1975. Drought in the Sahara: A Biogeophysi

  • mosman intergenerational biography projects